Somebody Needed a Dictionary
… to look up “suffrage.”
… to look up “suffrage.”
Part of my current devotional reading is currently in Isaiah. Today this included Isaiah 46:10 — (10) I declare the end when it is just the beginning, From ancient times, things that have not yet been done. I say, “My plan will be established, and I will do everything I desire.” — Isaiah 46:10 (my…
And a stellar one it is. This discussion is sponsored by Florida Citizens for Science. You can find details here.
… and not believing other stuff. I found his whole list pretty interesting and thought provoking. Check it out!
I’ve just reposted my essay The Two Flood Stories, correcting some links, improving the notes a bit, making some verse numbering a little bit clearer, and adding a section concluding the flood story. This editing was in preparation for continuing my Genesis series here by discussing the flood story. Thus far, I’ve discussed through Genesis…
. . . has been posted at Mandi Kaye.
An efficient solar collector that looks promising. Of course, no single technology is going to be a silver bullet.