Christian Carnival CCCXXIV Posted
… at Other Food. I like the brief comment from the editor on each post.
… at Other Food. I like the brief comment from the editor on each post.
Yesterday I wrote a few notes about Dr. Peter Enns and his suspension by Westminster Theological Seminary. G. K. Beale, who reviewed Dr. Enns’ book, complained that Dr. Enns is not very clear about just what in the incarnation applies. Since I still don’t have my own copy of this book, a situation that will…
October 22 probably doesn’t mean much to most of my readers, but for someone who grew up as a Seventh-day Adventist (SDA), it has great significance. It was on October 22, 1844 that early Adventists (before they were Seventh-day Adventists) expected Jesus to return. It was actually the second time they had expected that. first…
It’s fairly fashionable to call the thinking of our time “post-modern” and to talk about how people believe we really can’t know anything for sure, or perhaps just can’t know anything. In many discussions that is the conversation ender. You really can’t know that you’re right, so I could be right as well. Alternatively we…
The Internet Monk recommends a couple of books in a post titled Recommended: Wicker and Duin on The End of Evangelicalism, and I’m not going to gainsay his recommendation, considering I have read neither. But one comment he made caught my attention: Despite being an interesting read and passing along many good pieces of information…
Part of my current devotional reading is currently in Isaiah. Today this included Isaiah 46:10 — (10) I declare the end when it is just the beginning, From ancient times, things that have not yet been done. I say, “My plan will be established, and I will do everything I desire.” — Isaiah 46:10 (my…
… on their new Master of Arts in Biblical Languages. In growing up in the Seventh-day Adventist Church I got used to the idea that in order to teach Bible or become a pastor one started studying theology/religion at the undergraduate level and then continued at the graduate level with the fundamentals out of the…
Aw thanks! And I really enjoyed your post!