
Biblical Studies Carnival XLVIII Posted

… at Clayboy.

On the topic of the size of this carnival, allow me to give an opinion.  I’m not in the current carnival.  I didn’t nominate any of my posts, and not surprisingly nobody else did either.  This is a good approach, I think.  Use only the nominations as those of us involved in the Christian Carnival do.  I didn’t nominate a post of my own thus there is none there, and all is right with the world.  At least in that one small way.

It’s a good carnival, with lots of good material.  I would hope that if the carnival goes to a “nominations only” mode, many folks would submit their own best work for the month.

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  1. Just a couple of comments, if I may. While I read your “Threads from …” site, I don’t read this one, where I might perhaps have found some relevant material.
    Probably about 15%-20% of the posts in the carnival were recommended by either the author or another reader. The rest were things I’d noted as the month went by.
    I prefer that to the Christian Carnival approach in some respects, and I’m not sure how I would feel committing myself beforehand to link to any post people sent me, just because they thought their words were valuable.
    It is, however, on its way to becoming an unmanageable task, and I hope to post some further thoughts which I hope may spark a bit more conversation about how these things might go.

    1. I’ll join the discussion when you have had your additional say over on your blog. I can certainly see the problem with including all submitted posts. It might detract from the quality nature of the Biblical Studies Carnival.

      I’m pretty certain I didn’t write anything this month on this blog that should have been included, so I’m certainly not feeling neglected. You presented an excellent carnival.

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