Jesus Paradigm Giveaway
Details at for the Sake of Truth.
Details at for the Sake of Truth.
Doug Rea says all churches should be seeker sensitive, but who is seeking?
… when the Secretary of State does it. I thought many of these things were so obvious they hardly needed said, but apparently the obvious can be offensive. Perhaps a little truth will help diplomacy. Or not…
A Canadian training manual for diplomats includes the United States on a list of countries where prisoners are at risk of being tortured.
I think the Nevada Supreme Court got this one right. Freedom of the press must include full freedom to invite or not to invite. I often support candidates with very low ratings at the polls, but there is no legal basis to force their inclusion in any televised debate.
. . . but on target. I refer to this post on Pursuing Holiness. My own preference is that churches and religious organizations define marriage for their own constituents, and the state simply define households. Laura’s words about free speech destroying human rights committees are also on target.
The “which” is a list of bibliobloggers compiled by John Hobbins. Through it I discover that I am on the extended (not the top 50) list at Biblioblogs Top 50. Thanks to all of the above, and to which provides a valuable service to the Bibliblogosphere.