Christian Carnival #CCLXXVII Posted
… at Boston Bible Geeks. No how cool is that as a blog name? Go check it out!
… at Boston Bible Geeks. No how cool is that as a blog name? Go check it out!
Kevin at Shooting the Breeze comments on a YouTube video.
. . . at Fish and Cans.
Peter Kirk has written a post titled The Gospel is not incompatible with theistic evolution, in which he responds to an article by Dr. David Shackelford. Peter’s response covers most of the ground. I wanted to add something here, however, regarding “continuous upward progress,” which Dr. Shackelford, as quoted by Peter, says is “demanded” by…
Bruce Alderman has a humorous response to The God Delusion. Check it out here. I’ll reserve further comment until I have finished reading the whole book myself.
I think I titled the next chapter in my book When People Speak for God rather pretentiously: Authority and Truth. That’s what we’ll be discussing today in my Sunday School class. As I was reading the chapter, I came across the following, which ties into several things I’m thinking about these days: There is, however,…
I’m the guest blogger at Grace Through the Desert today with a post entitled You are Totally Dependent based on Ephesians 2:8-10 and a few others scriptures, especially my favorite Psalm 104.