Christian Carnival CXLVIII Posted
Christian Carnival CXLVIII is now available at Crossroads for your reading pleasure.
I will again try to post some links to some of the posts that catch my attention. I rarely get time to link to all of them.
Christian Carnival CXLVIII is now available at Crossroads for your reading pleasure.
I will again try to post some links to some of the posts that catch my attention. I rarely get time to link to all of them.
Christian Carnival CLXIII has been posted at Chasing the Wind. That’s a pretty theme there, and it fits the title, but it’s bright!
Brooke Borel of published an article recently titled Fact-Checking Won’t Save Us from Fake News. Headline readers will not be led too far astray by that headline, though they will miss some interesting reasoning on the topic. I agree with Borel that fact-checking won’t save us. It’s useful, but it’s just one element. A…
It’s a great article on the Biologos Foundation’s Science and the Sacred blog.
Christian Carnival CXLVI is now up, hosted by Evangelical Ecologist. I’ll take a close look at it once my Threads and Participatory Bible Study blogs are back from the never-never land of server problems. I apologize to anyone who tried to come here while the server was down, but at this point we’re temporarily redirected…
One of the things I find most interesting about the Bible is the way that its stories openly–one might even say brutally–cover the faults and failings of the main characters. Nobody manages to come off all that well in the story. Even Moses, author of the Torah, or perhaps receiver of it, is not presented…
… at Go check out the first Christian Carnival of the new year. (No, I didn’t contribute anything this week.)