New Display Option for Moderate Christian Blogroll
I write about it here.
Carl Zimmer is a great science writer, and he will now be a columnist for Discover Magazine. Accordingly, his blog, The Loom, has moved there.
A little over a month ago (August 12, 2006) I started the Moderate Christian Blog Aggregator and the related blogroll. To get the ball rolling, I included my three blogs (three so I can segregate my areas of interest more easily) and one group blog to which I’m primary contributor. I also included my wife’s…
Just to get a taste of what is available on the blogs covered by the Moderate Christian Blog Aggregator, let me give you a list of the most recent posts, in the order in which they appeared when I viewed the aggregator, with the exception of my own blogs. Note that blogs are randomized with…
I want to recommend my wife’s encouraging Good Friday post NOTHING Ends on Friday. Sometimes we see holy week just as a commemoration of the past, but there are life lessons here as well.
. . . in NRO. Quoth he: “The ‘intelligent design’ hoax is not merely non-science, nor even merely anti-science; it is anti-civilization.”
Via Steve Matheson (one of the NCSE Steve’s), I found Clashing Culture, which looks like it will be a great group blog involving atheists and Christians discussing science and religion. I look forward to reading it regularly.