New Display Option for Moderate Christian Blogroll
I write about it here.
… from Allan Bevere. This relates to my earlier post, The Real War on Christmas.
In pursuing the laudable goal of keeping lead out of children’s it looks like congress may have been just as thoughtful as usual. More on evangelical outpost.
Here’s a quick example from Metacatholic. See how the meaning changes?
I want to recommend my wife’s encouraging Good Friday post NOTHING Ends on Friday. Sometimes we see holy week just as a commemoration of the past, but there are life lessons here as well.
… the legislators, that is. He makes it here. I’m also wondering how many voters who won’t finance education feel they have a right to it anyhow. There’s probably a subset of the voters who voted “no” on funding, would be horrified at Chris’s suggestion, and think education will happen magically anyhow.
Read some of the comments from other, not anonymous McCain staffers here.