New Blog – Caraleisa
A long time friend of mine has just started a blog, Caraleisa, with her first post, Giving Thanks, this year . . .. I have hopes she’ll get more controversial, as I know very well she can.
Welcome to the blogosphere!
I’m currently checking over the proofs for Bruce Epperly’s new book Healing Marks before they go to the author for his approval. Bruce provides a truly challenging approach to scripture and theology. His comments on Proper 24B, especially dealing with the relationship between love and omnipotence, will enhance your understanding of these passages, I believe….
I’ve just added a couple of good links and some brief notes on inerrancy at my Threads blog.
I’m adding another site to my blogroll, Transformed Daily. I got an e-mail from blogger Eric Jones on this one, thinking there might be some synergy, and after reading a bit, I think there is. A couple of entries that really caught my eye: ARE YOU A TRAINED FLEA CHRISTIAN OR ARE YOU A FREE…
Update: Edited to correct the date in the header from 10/12/07 to 11/12/07. I truly have not invented a time machine! Here’s some things that caught my attention: Richard Rice Discusses Open Theism20 years ago I read his book The Openness of God when it was first released. I was intrigued by its ideas of…
. . . at Diary of 1.
I’d like to commend Bob Cornwall’s sermon this week to your attention, especially to those who are following my John study. It’s titled Revelation of God Embodied. Thinking about God can be hard work!
Thanks, Henry! I know that the peace and love won’t last long but I really do think it’s a good time to step back and remember that we do have so much to appreciate, despite hard times. I look forward to debating you!