New Blog – Caraleisa
A long time friend of mine has just started a blog, Caraleisa, with her first post, Giving Thanks, this year . . .. I have hopes she’ll get more controversial, as I know very well she can.
Welcome to the blogosphere!
Someone, or perhaps more than one person, found this blog through the search “libertarian women in ephesus,” resulting in four page views. I have no idea what post that search would lead to. The phrase “libertine women” leaps to mind, but I’m pretty sure I have never used that phrase on this blog. Search phrases…
I’ve been meaning to post this for a few days, but it’s been busy, as you can tell from my low level of blogging. Geoffrey Lentz is the associate pastor of First United Methodist Church of Pensacola, and a former student of mine. In fact, I met Geoffrey in the first class I taught for…
One of the great experiences of my life was meeting a Calvinist evangelist. His name is John Blanchard, and I only “met” him in a fairly large group, but it was clear that he was genuinely an evangelist and genuinely a Calvinist. He was asked during a question and answer session just how he reconciled…
This from An Evangelical Dialogue on Evolution. Of course I use the honourable spelling for honourable in honour of Canadian connections. He links to my post Theisms, Creationisms, and Evolutionisms: An Exercise in Definition. I appreciate the mention and link. Since I have been writing a good bit on Dawkins, and linking to other material…
These are five significant sites I read because of the things on which I disagree with the writer(s). That doesn’t mean I disagree with everything, but rather that I was attracted to the site and continue to read primarily because of my disagreement. I read a number of news sources and some individual blogs on…
EDN = Energion Discussion Network. Today’s post is by yours truly and titled In the Embrace of Change. As owner of Energion Publications, I’m putting a great deal of the company marketing efforts and dollars into building up that site, it’s sister site Nurturing Creativity, and our social media this year. We’re working hard to…
Thanks, Henry! I know that the peace and love won’t last long but I really do think it’s a good time to step back and remember that we do have so much to appreciate, despite hard times. I look forward to debating you!