Yeah, Do This!
John Bicknell of Congressional Quarterly says Drop the Debates, Try Conflict Instead. Good idea. All of it.
John Bicknell of Congressional Quarterly says Drop the Debates, Try Conflict Instead. Good idea. All of it.
. . . by Bruce Alderman
They were obviously there before, but they’re more important because we know about them. I do love this sort of discovery. (See Greg Laden’s Blog for more.)
And a stellar one it is. This discussion is sponsored by Florida Citizens for Science. You can find details here.
My wife has written a post about a family who is suing the wrong people in their grief.
Read some of the comments from other, not anonymous McCain staffers here.
I ended up with a copy of this almost by accident, and have written some notes. While I’m not overly impressed by it, I see no reason for the controversy. Notes are here.