Added Bible Behemoth
I’m not really too sure how this is going to work, but at a minimum, it will allow me to show links to a few Bible blogs that I haven’t even read. Thus, I have added a widget to my rightmost sidebar showing the last five posts featured on The Bible Behemoth (blog), the brainchild of David Ker of hippopotamus fame.
Right now I can’t really manage to become a contributor, simply because I’m using my Google Reader account to test something else for my pages, and I would be favoriting a number of posts that would be quite inappropriate for the Behemoth, possibly even giving him (or readers) indigestion. I’m wondering if the Behemoth shouldn’t have some limit on the total number of contributors, but I will let the intrepid David figure out how it should work! He who ropes hippopotami can handle anything!
In the meantime, however, I’m enjoying seeing what is posted there. Since I have become more systematic about reading I have been posting less; I thought I would be posting more. I hope to provide more useful content and better links in my sidebars as I play around with all these ideas.
Thanks for plugging this. It’s still in the awkward child stage but already I’m finding it interesting. If you want to participate (and you’d be a great one to have) you can make a folder in GR just for Behemoth posts and then give me the pubic page for that. Ben Byerly is doing that and it’s working.