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(Yet Another) Methodist Blogs Weekly Roundup

Allan Bevere has posted the latest Methodist Blogs Weekly Roundup. I wanted to do more than a brief link to thank him for his efforts.

Do you think of these roundups as the parenthetical part of my title would suggest? I can tell you from having done the Christian Carnival as well as various selections from the Moderate Christian Blogroll that they take some time, thought, and effort.

Yes, but what good are they? All I can tell you is what they do for me. I have 108 feeds in my bloglines account. Given that about half a dozen of those are blogs to which I contribute and I just want to watch, that means around an even hundred that I’m following. I actually read the headlines for all of those, though I only read a scattering of stories. I often clip posts and then end up deleting them when they get too old. Once I’ve done that, I’m pretty much done!

The roundups and carnivals introduce me to new blogs, new writers, and new topics. For example, the MBWR this week listed Richard Heyduck’s post Two Big Mistakes and rated it one of the two best in the Methodist blogosphere. I quite agree. I’m going to link to it from the Pacesetters Bible School Newsletter and try to get our membership to discuss the topic a bit.

I’ve found numerous blogs in this way, and so I thank the folks who make such things possible.

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