Lakeland as Viewed by a Pentecostal Skeptic
. . . at Lingamish. [Note: Linked post withdrawn by author Lingamish.] Well worth reading.
. . . at Lingamish. [Note: Linked post withdrawn by author Lingamish.] Well worth reading.
Here’s a good post/discussion on complexity and the gray areas. HT: Kouya Chronicle.
I was going to write about his, but Laura has already done a good job. Like my dad the doctor taught me, there’s no need to make it either/or; it’s both/and.
. . . but Barack Obama has chosen Joe Biden as his running mate.
Are dogs smarter than cats?
Darrell Pursiful at Dr. Platypus is requesting short definitions from those who accept or use the language of inerrancy in describing the Bible. Shorter, definitely, than the Chicago statement. Though I don’t qualify, even though my definition of inspiration has been called inerrancy, I thought I’d pass this on.
A Canadian training manual for diplomats includes the United States on a list of countries where prisoners are at risk of being tortured.
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Keith Miller Chuck Pierce and Todd Bentley’s Conference in Denton,TX July 3,2008 was outstanding!! About 10,000 attended. The negative comments on the blogs were 25 to 1 against Todd Bentley. How wrong they all are!! This is the first move of God where many of the knowledgeable bible believing Evangelicals are not on board with what God is doing in our day.