Sabbath Rest
Yesterday I wrote a post about the Sabbath. John, at Locusts and Honey, found a LOLCat that says it better.
Yesterday I wrote a post about the Sabbath. John, at Locusts and Honey, found a LOLCat that says it better.
Dave Warnock says emphatically NO!
Adrian Warnock has posted a substantial quote from John Piper on the baptism of the Holy Spirit. I believe that Piper’s illustration–which I think is excellent–is in accord with my view that this experience can happen more than once.
They’re looking for people who resell recalled items. To be fair, I must note that they’re paying the most attention to the big boys, like Goodwill. (HT: The Agitator)
… at Make-No-Wave United Methodist Church. For what it’s worth, I think the young pastor was absolutely right to push. May his tribe increase! (HT: John Meunier)
Laura at Pursuing Holiness notes one and presents a course of action. I think bloggers often move past fair use, but news outlets and going way too far the other way.
. . . from Lingamish. Speaking of creationists who aren’t stupid. 🙂