Tyndale Bible Toolbar
I have started using this, and yes, it does work with Firefox under Ubuntu. See my introductory notes here.
I have started using this, and yes, it does work with Firefox under Ubuntu. See my introductory notes here.
Dave lists 13 things Greek teachers won’t tell you, but I must say that most of mine did. And Dave does admit that many Greek teachers do say these things. But do students listen? Do people in the pews and those who read books get the message? My experience is that many do not. Not…
A Living Sacrifice provides a link to some material on linguistics and exegesis, particularly word studies. The articles are by Benjamin Baxter and are in the McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry. One is The Meaning of Biblical Words, and the other is Hebrew and Greek Word-Study Fallacies. I highly commend both. The key element…
I’ve blogged here a few times about different ways of reading (here, for example). Lingamish has a series of posts on the topic as well that are well worth reading. They are: Grasshopper Greek: Getting Focused #1 (wide-angle) Grasshopper Greek: Getting Focused #2 (telescope) Grasshopper Greek: Getting Focused #3 (microscope) The fourth lens I have…
… at Dr. Platypus. There’s always good stuff in this carnival, though I never get around to reading everything I intend to!
When I was persuading by my wife and daughter to get a 21st century cell phone, my now indispensable Palm Centro, my friends were amused but not surprised that I soon had Bible software on it. I must confess that the one time I used that Bible in church I got some really suspicious looks. …
I discuss why I think we should pay attention on the World Prayr blog today.
Dave lists 13 things Greek teachers won’t tell you, but I must say that most of mine did. And Dave does admit that many Greek teachers do say these things. But do students listen? Do people in the pews and those who read books get the message? My experience is that many do not. Not…
A Living Sacrifice provides a link to some material on linguistics and exegesis, particularly word studies. The articles are by Benjamin Baxter and are in the McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry. One is The Meaning of Biblical Words, and the other is Hebrew and Greek Word-Study Fallacies. I highly commend both. The key element…
I’ve blogged here a few times about different ways of reading (here, for example). Lingamish has a series of posts on the topic as well that are well worth reading. They are: Grasshopper Greek: Getting Focused #1 (wide-angle) Grasshopper Greek: Getting Focused #2 (telescope) Grasshopper Greek: Getting Focused #3 (microscope) The fourth lens I have…
… at Dr. Platypus. There’s always good stuff in this carnival, though I never get around to reading everything I intend to!
When I was persuading by my wife and daughter to get a 21st century cell phone, my now indispensable Palm Centro, my friends were amused but not surprised that I soon had Bible software on it. I must confess that the one time I used that Bible in church I got some really suspicious looks. …
I discuss why I think we should pay attention on the World Prayr blog today.
Dave lists 13 things Greek teachers won’t tell you, but I must say that most of mine did. And Dave does admit that many Greek teachers do say these things. But do students listen? Do people in the pews and those who read books get the message? My experience is that many do not. Not…
A Living Sacrifice provides a link to some material on linguistics and exegesis, particularly word studies. The articles are by Benjamin Baxter and are in the McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry. One is The Meaning of Biblical Words, and the other is Hebrew and Greek Word-Study Fallacies. I highly commend both. The key element…