Moderate Christian Blogroll Additions
The following have joined the Moderate Christian Blogroll: Living with “God Vision”, if i were a bell, i’d ring, Seeking After, and Adventures in Revland. Learn more about the blogroll here.
The following have joined the Moderate Christian Blogroll: Living with “God Vision”, if i were a bell, i’d ring, Seeking After, and Adventures in Revland. Learn more about the blogroll here.
This headline caught my attention: Osteens offer hope for today with new Bible. Obviously the headline doesn’t mean what one could construe it to mean; it’s a study Bible, not a rewritten Bible, but the headline still struck me as funny. I do have problems with single themed study Bibles, but that’s another post.
Through a Glass Darkly expresses appreciation for Al Mohler’s advice on educating his kids. Well, maybe not so much! 🙂
Legalize Pot (HT: Dispatches). Less law enforcement, less jail expenses, more revenue from taxing the legalized sales. Win, win, win.
… Tyndale has provided me with a certificate to award in a contest over on my Participatory Bible Study blog.
I found a series on women in ministry via my Blogrush widget (look right and down a bit). It’s quite good, in four parts, part 1, part 2, part 3, and part 4. Check it out.
. . . in fictional form on my Jevlir blog.