Psalm 100
John Hobbins has an excellent post on the structure of Psalm 100.
John Hobbins has an excellent post on the structure of Psalm 100.
I agree with this note which calls this column, titled Prejudiced Danes Provoke Fanaticism, execrable. Freedom of thought requires the freedom to offend, and being offended does not justify violence.
I was interested to see a quote about Biblical inerrancy for candidates for faculty positions at Wheaton College. Check the note out at Through a Glass Darkly.
I’m writing a series of devotionals from 1 Corinthians 13 for my wife’s devotional list. The first three entries have been posted. Entries on the devotional list are posted each weekday morning. Understanding Love The Priority of Love Characteristics of Love I Characteristics of Love II Love is Eternal (Update) Love is Boring (Update) Love…
In Judges 4:1-7, when the Israelites cried out, what did they have to say? With Psalm 123 included along with Judges 4:1-7 in Proper 28 / Ordinary 33 / Pentecost +27, I think we have an interesting possibility for preaching on prayer in trouble. My basic starting point would be to suggest to the congregation…
Note: I will be using the English verse numbering throughout. Hebrew verse numbers are one greater in this chapter, thus this is Psalm 40:7 in Hebrew. In reading Psalm 40 several times, since it’s the lectionary passage for this week, I noticed a few things that I would have missed in just one pass. One…
In the way of your testimonies I rejoiceAs over great wealth. Teachers and preachers often say that Jesus, in the Sermon on the Mount, was moving the law inside and making it of the heart. And that is certainly a theme of that sermon. But the fact is that the heart was always the object…