Free Burma Day
I will be participating in Free Burma day tomorrow. There will be a banner reading Free Burma, underlined for the full day and I will not be posting.
You can find more information on this action here.
Many of us right now are thinking about and praying for the folks at Virginia Tech. Others closer to the scene are responding as their duty calls them. But it’s an ill wind that blows no one good, and there are two groups of people who thrive on this sort of thing: The news media,…
I’ve been watching television with a certain amount of amusement as various reporters try to create news and then discuss the news they’ve created with reference to President-Elect Obama’s cabinet and other appointments. But what interests me is the great surprise that the president-elect may appoint former rival Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State. Besides…
I think the combination of ignorance and bigotry expressed by opponents of this church is both said and somewhat frightening. (HT: Dispatches)
Two authors for my company Energion Publications are conducting a year-long political debate. I ask a question each month, they each answer (posted on the third Thursday of the month), and then continue to respond to each other’s positions until we post the next question. Currently the topic is the role of government. The current…
One of the things I think has not been discussed enough in the current job situation, though I think President Obama has done extremely well on this one point compared to his predecessors, is the simple fact that jobs for minimally educated people are disappearing, and thus many of the new jobs that are being…