Methodist Blogs Weekly Roundup #129
. . . has been posted thanks to Allan Bevere.
. . . has been posted thanks to Allan Bevere.
Bishop Willimon has a post about pastoral leadership and stewardship, with the particular aspect of stewardship being apportionments. I like the framing that goes on in our church, as apportionments are called “fair-share giving.” I know that sounds better, but I still call them apportionments. I think the general finding is unexceptional. Pastoral leadership has…
I’ve found a way to make short comments on some of the blog posts I read, but either don’t have time to comment on, or have only a very little bit to say. The result: these link posts. I think I’m supposed to leave more time between agreements with Joe Carter but even though he…
This from An Evangelical Dialogue on Evolution. Of course I use the honourable spelling for honourable in honour of Canadian connections. He links to my post Theisms, Creationisms, and Evolutionisms: An Exercise in Definition. I appreciate the mention and link. Since I have been writing a good bit on Dawkins, and linking to other material…
(I’m crossposting this from my Participatory Bible Study blog. It’s too short to bother with extract and link.) I found this post by Roger Olson via my reader (HT: Chrisendom) and it reminded me of my own recent post Inerrancy – Romancing the Term. Though my experience is largely outside of academia, I can relate to much…
Anonymous donors are paying off layaway bills at KMart (and occasionally other stores) for those who can’t, especially for children’s Christmas toys (HT: The Agitator).
Whenever this Psalm comes up, I have to link to my short story, written from the Canaanite point of view, A Killer of Kings. This story has now been included in a collection, A Living Psalter: Creative Reflections on the Psalms, edited by Geoffrey D. Lentz.