Adrian Warnock has a new URL
I’ve updated my blogroll, and now y’all need to know that Adrian Warnock has a new URL (
I’ve updated my blogroll, and now y’all need to know that Adrian Warnock has a new URL (
Note: This is a repost due to the database crash. I believe this is the only post that was not part of the restored backup, so we should now have all entries. Having just turned from a book which I did not find very helpful, I’m happy to present one which I consider an exceptional…
Adrian Warnock has quoted a section from Martin Lloyd Jones on the gift of tongues in Acts 2 and 1 Corinthians 12-14. (Thanks for Peter Kirk for linking to earlier parts of this discussion.) There are two comments I would like to make on this issue, both of which relate to the Biblical background material….
Yesterday Adrian was apparently surprised that anyone would question that the suffering servant of Isaiah 53 (or better, Isaiah 52:13-53:12) was Jesus. He said: The answer to the first question is very straightforward if you believe the bible is without error and Jesus can be trusted. For he himself tells us who the prophet is…
I’m adding Bob’s Log to the Bible study blogs section of my blogroll. Bob deals with a great deal of Hebrew poetry, especially the Psalms, and is very interested in structure. I think it will be valuable to look over his shoulder as he works on this interesting material.
. . . has moved here. It’s worth a look just for the header picture. The subtitle is “Dinosaurs and the Bible DONT MIX!!!”
7Who, in the days of his flesh, offered entreaties and petitions to the one who was able to save him from death with loud cries and tears, and he was heard because of his piety. 8Even though he was a son, he learned obedience from the things he suffered, 9and being made whole he became…