
Update on Driscoll Video

A couple of updates on this controversy. I may have spoken too soon on the matter of the duties of the conference hosts. It appears that people may have gotten the videos there. I’m still not sure precisely what happened, so I will still maintain that handing out the video would be the right thing to do, though it seems it’s possible that’s precisely what did happen.

Commenters on my previous post Peter Kirk and Charity had questioned me on this point, and Charity says that many people left with the video. Thanks for these updates.

There are also two further posts to which I would like to call attention because they provide some additional perspective:

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One Comment

  1. In a comment on your “daily sex” link article, Bene Diction wrote:

    “The Good Soldier” was not banned. That is verifiable.

    Then Helen wrote:

    Andrew Jones latest post includes a link and quote from a conference volunteer who said that they did hand out the video – there was no decision made reversing that plan.

    What happened was, the handing out strategy they used missed a lot of people because of where they exited. So a lot of people didn’t get videos.

    That’s what the volunteer said, anyway.

    This is the Andrew Jones post referred to. It’s not really about Paris Hilton!

    So, at least pending further clarification, I think we need to withdraw our comments both that the video was banned and that it may have been distributed despite a ban.

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