Congressman Ron Paul in the Debate
Too bad he doesn’t stand a chance. 🙁
HT: Quiet Paths.
Too bad he doesn’t stand a chance. 🙁
HT: Quiet Paths.
… at least according to the Fox News headline: Navy SEALs Face Assault Charges for Capturing Most-Wanted Terrorist. But there’s a problem with the headline. There are, of course, no charges for capturing the terrorists, but rather for his treatment after the capture. Now I don’t know the facts of the case beyond what is…
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I clarify my stance on Christian involvement in politics, emphasizing that while individual engagement is important, I prioritize meaningful advocacy over quantity of political posts. I advocate for informed voting and respectful dialogue rather than promoting specific candidates or issues, urging others to participate thoughtfully in the democratic process.
I think the Nevada Supreme Court got this one right. Freedom of the press must include full freedom to invite or not to invite. I often support candidates with very low ratings at the polls, but there is no legal basis to force their inclusion in any televised debate.
If this surprises you, then you must not have been dealing with bankers and credit card companies that much. Might this also be part of the reason that regulations tend not to work all that well? You have to think of everything, but if you really plug all the loopholes, the result will be tightened…
I sometimes wonder precisely what the purpose was of electing a Democrat-led congress, considering their track record. I’ve gotten a couple of notes from the ACLU on this, and also got it from the Washington Post today. My problem here is not that [tag]surveillance[/tag] does not need to occur in some cases. Rather, my question…
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Update: Exclusive: Ron Paul Now Passes Barack Obama in Web Traffic
Prior Politics 2.0 Exclusive: Ron Paul website traffic passes Clinton, Giuliani, Romney, McCain and Edwards
Ron Paul to Rudy Giuliani – Read a Book!
Thursday, May 24, 2007 –
At an “Educating Rudy” press conference Thursday morning, May 24, presidential candidate Ron Paul (R-Tex) “assigned Rudy Giuliani homework.”
According to a CNN report on the press conference which featured Ron Paul and a former CIA head, Micheal Scheuer, Paul said presidential contender and former New York City Mayor Giuliani should read books to educate himself about foreign policy.
CNN reported: “[Ron Paul] suggested that the former mayor read four books: ‘Imperial Hubris’ by Michael Scheuer, ‘Dying to Win’ by Robert Pape, ‘Blowback’ by Chalmers Johnson and the 9/11 Commission Report.”
The CNN article’s tone might be seen as wry, even mocking. The headline is, “GOP Opponent Assigns Giuliani Homework.” But, in fact, Ron Paul has committed a radical act in American politics by bringing up the idea of historical literacy – of reading widely as a way of helping to make informed decisions.
The expectation of literacy among leaders was more widespread in the 1700s and 1800s when heads-of-state were supposed to be familiar with a wide variety of ideas, and the books that contained them. With the advent of the popular media, the vulgarization of leadership worldwide and the relentless attacks on Western literature’s “canon” as composed of “dead white men” the emphasis on the “great conversation of the ages” has waned.
The point of such a “great conversation” was at least in part to retain and pass on wisdom about how to better humankind’s “lot.” Not surprisingly, almost inevitably, the ideas that withstand the test of time are those that emphasize the free-market, de-emphasize government control and generally encourage individual human action over collectivism. For this reason, likely, among others, the canon has come under attack, its credibility disparaged, its value criticized by those who seek to collectivize human initiative in order to concentrate and control power.
Ron Paul, a doctor, political economist and commentator is one of the more deeply read candidates ever to run for high office in the United States. Ron Paul is also one of the most prolific, with literally hundreds of articles on a myriad of political and economic issues available on the ‘Net. He is a commentator for FMNN, which keeps an abbreviated archive of his papers here:
The press conference was held in the National Press Club Lisagor Room. Ron Paul was joined by Michael Scheuer, former head of the CIA’s “Bin Laden unit.”
The Ron Paul campaign did not videotape the press conference, though both ABC and CNN were filming. Sources close to the campaign said that the video would be requested from both ABC and CNN to display on the Ron Paul campaign site. Earlier, sources close to the campaign had hoped that a video of the press conference would be made available on the Ron Paul campaign site, “over the next few days.” There is no certainty, however.
During the “First in South” GOP debate, earlier this month, Ron Paul stated that 50 years of interventionism in the Middle East is a significant motivating tool for radical Islamists. Dr. Paul’s position, though disparaged during the debate by Giuliani and others, has since received backing from numerous individuals, including others in the GOP, administration officials and – in excerpted reports – from the 9-11 Commission itself.
CNN summed up Ron Paul’s points at the press conference this way: “Texas Rep. Ron Paul questioned former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s qualifications to be president Thursday, suggesting he would not support him unless he’d read several specific books and ‘report back to me.'”
CNN added the following in its report: “‘No, I don’t think he’s qualified to be president mainly because of his views,’ Paul said of his fellow Republican presidential contender during a press conference he called ‘Educating Rudy.’ ‘And no, unless he would read the books and report back to me and say, you know, you’ve changed my mind — then I would reconsider.'”
The CNN story can be seen here: