. . . is posted. I want to thank Allan Bevere for his hard work is regularly posting the roundup. I’ll be praying for him as he goes to speak outside the country. The MBWR will be missing for the next two weeks.
I’m appending my dad’s obituary to this post in its fully expanded version. Various papers published various portions. I greatly appreciate the expressions of sympathy and support from the comments here. I’m still in Niagara Falls until Saturday, though a good portion of my business happens on the internet so I’m back to working some….
I’ll be out of town at the Charisma Book Expo in Atlanta Georgia from today, September 26 through Monday October 2. I will be stopping by to check comments and so forth as I have time, but I don’t expect to make new entries. As the owner of a small and new business, Energion Publications,…
OK, these are not that closely related, but the Christian Carnival will appear here tomorrow, and it will be evening before it appears. I will announce the winner of the Mosaic Bible giveaway at the same time.
I’ve now restored everything to where it belongs, and this directory is no longer redirected. I hope it will stay here.
I’m cross-posting several reviews and notes from my Jevlir Caravansary site where I will no longer be reviewing just to get things started. I will also occasionally cross-post from my other blogs where I occasionally review non-fiction. Normally, posts here will not be crossposted from elsewhere.
A few days ago I added Steve Martin’s blog An Evangelical Dialogue on Evolution to my blogroll and subscribed to it’s RSS feed. I have mentioned frequently that there are a number of evangelical Christians who accept evolution, and I’m glad to see more of them involved in the debate. Today Steve posted a letter…