Christian Carnival Posted
The latest Christian Carnival has been posted at Thoughts of a Gyrovague. Go read, enjoy, and learn!
The latest Christian Carnival has been posted at Thoughts of a Gyrovague. Go read, enjoy, and learn!
7Who, in the days of his flesh, offered entreaties and petitions to the one who was able to save him from death with loud cries and tears, and he was heard because of his piety. 8Even though he was a son, he learned obedience from the things he suffered, 9and being made whole he became…
Ruth Hoppin, author of Priscilla’s Letter, is the author of the month on the Religion Forum. There is a mildly interesting discussion going on there, though it could use some additional debate, so check it out.
When I took second year Greek, the grammar to use in getting beyond basic introductory material was Dana and Mantey’s Manual Grammar of the Greek New Testament which is very hard to get. But as a replacement, and also a considerable improvement, we now have Daniel B. Wallace’s Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics. For those…
. . . has been posted at Parableman.
I’ve updated my blogroll, and now y’all need to know that Adrian Warnock has a new URL (
David Ker has taken on the world at, or so it probably seems to him. The comments provide some additional links and some vigorous comment.
7Who, in the days of his flesh, offered entreaties and petitions to the one who was able to save him from death with loud cries and tears, and he was heard because of his piety. 8Even though he was a son, he learned obedience from the things he suffered, 9and being made whole he became…
Ruth Hoppin, author of Priscilla’s Letter, is the author of the month on the Religion Forum. There is a mildly interesting discussion going on there, though it could use some additional debate, so check it out.
When I took second year Greek, the grammar to use in getting beyond basic introductory material was Dana and Mantey’s Manual Grammar of the Greek New Testament which is very hard to get. But as a replacement, and also a considerable improvement, we now have Daniel B. Wallace’s Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics. For those…
. . . has been posted at Parableman.
I’ve updated my blogroll, and now y’all need to know that Adrian Warnock has a new URL (
David Ker has taken on the world at, or so it probably seems to him. The comments provide some additional links and some vigorous comment.
7Who, in the days of his flesh, offered entreaties and petitions to the one who was able to save him from death with loud cries and tears, and he was heard because of his piety. 8Even though he was a son, he learned obedience from the things he suffered, 9and being made whole he became…
Ruth Hoppin, author of Priscilla’s Letter, is the author of the month on the Religion Forum. There is a mildly interesting discussion going on there, though it could use some additional debate, so check it out.