Something Weird

Jim Rutz of WorldNetDaily has an article here that is so far over the top that it’s classically funny. If Jim Rutz is right I should probably be gay, considering I’m a fourth generation vegetarian and was raised on a diet including a much higher portion of soy bean products than that of the average…

Two Posts on Translation

Since I divided my blog into three, I have tried to make “just link” posts rare, but I did want to call attention to two posts that I have just written. First, on the Participatory Bible Study Blog I have put some comments about the Clear Word Bible, which is finally a Bible translation that…

I’m the Guy Wayne Grudem Warned You About

Well, not really. He warned you about some other, much more important guy. But I agree with the guy Wayne Grudem warned you about! Hey! Come on down to the bottom of the slippery slope! The water’s fine! Adrian Warnock’s interview with Wayne Grudem continues with its fifth part, Must a Woman Always Remain Silent…

The Concept of Trajectories

I like to talk about trajectories in scripture. This may sound odd to some. A trajectory, according to Merriam-Webster, is “a path, progression, or line of development resembling a physical trajectory.” When I talk about scriptural trajectories, I’m referring in particular to the last part of that definition–a line of development. (Compare also the use…

No Place Like Home for the Troops

I’m a fairly regular reader of the evangelical outpost, and often disagree, even though I respond here infrequently.; Today Joe Carter has a post, The Ruby Slipper Option: Why We Can’t Win in Iraq, that is really exceptionally good, though I detect that Carter is less happy with his conclusion than I am. I have…

Role of Women

I thought I was just about done with this topic after commenting on <a href="textual issues, but there have been some additional comments that called attention to some additional information. Molly commented and through her comment I found her very thoughtful entry Jesus/Women: Equal Worth, Unequal Role (?), and her link to another thoughtful article,…

Medical Personnel Used as Scapegoats in Lybia

I really have nothing to add to this, but I do want to make sure it gets maximum publicity: Libya vs. Evolutionary Science: Will the Tripoli Six be sentenced to death by firing squad? There are five nurses and a doctor on trial in Lybia for spreading AIDS, and it’s clear that they have done…

Does Gordon Fee Discard Part of the Bible?

In the third part of his interview series, Adrian Warnock makes the following comment in asking a question of Dr. Wayne Grudem: I was impressed by your compassion and fairness in the introduction of your new book expressed towards your egalitarian colleagues who you mention by name. At a later point, talking about Dr. Gordon…

The Most Annoying Theologian I’ve Never Read

. . . is Wayne Grudem. Well, not quite true. The most annoying theologian is Peter Ruckman of the Pensacola Bible Institute, and I have read some of his stuff. I’ve also read articles by Grudem, and I wouldn’t come close to excluding him from Christianity, so I guess I have read him and he’s…

And I’m not . . .

. . . an evangelical, that is. Jason Woolever posted an interesting entry several days ago about what it means to be an evangelical and I’m finally getting around to commenting. It’s not that I have a problem with Jason’s post. It’s more that I have had some problem finding a good, current definition of…