Pleading Guilty to Blasphemy
. . . at least as defined by Dr. Wayne Grudem, a point he makes in the current (6th) installment of Adrian’s interview. Again, he’s not talking about me. I’m just going ahead and pleading guilty under an “if the shoe fits” standard.
Something Weird
Jim Rutz of WorldNetDaily has an article here that is so far over the top that it’s classically funny. If Jim Rutz is right I should probably be gay, considering I’m a fourth generation vegetarian and was raised on a diet including a much higher portion of soy bean products than that of the average…
Adjusting my Attitude about Wallace and Burer on Romans 16:7
I’ve watched the discussions on Romans 16:7 for some time, and had read Wallace and Burer’s article in the Journal for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (Fall 2001). My conclusion at the time of reading was that while Wallace and Burer had shown some additional possibilities for this translation, I did not think that they had…
Two Posts on Translation
Since I divided my blog into three, I have tried to make “just link” posts rare, but I did want to call attention to two posts that I have just written. First, on the Participatory Bible Study Blog I have put some comments about the Clear Word Bible, which is finally a Bible translation that…
The Clear Word Bible: Reversing the Meaning
Update (12/28/06): There’s a good review of the Clear Word Bible on Thinking Christian titled Book Review: “The Clear Word”. This review goes into much greater breadth and depth on this book that is not even truly a paraphrase of the Bible. Since I regularly come to the defense of various Bible translations some folks…
1 Timothy 2:12 – Assume Authority
The following quote is taken from the fifth part of Adrian Warnock’s interview with Dr. Wayne Grudem. I want to note some principles related to the translation and interpretation of this verse. In the following I identify sections by numbers in parentheses, as in (1), following an emphasized phrase. This is to prevent breaking the…
I’m the Guy Wayne Grudem Warned You About
Well, not really. He warned you about some other, much more important guy. But I agree with the guy Wayne Grudem warned you about! Hey! Come on down to the bottom of the slippery slope! The water’s fine! Adrian Warnock’s interview with Wayne Grudem continues with its fifth part, Must a Woman Always Remain Silent…
Inclusivism and the Heathen
I was getting geared up to write about salvation, because of various comments on my views that I’ve received here and in real life, but as I was doing so, John at Locusts and Honey weighed in on the issue, giving preliminary assent to exclusivism. He does outline the three major positions quite well, even…
Deciding who is Saved
A few short comments on salvation resulted in some comments that indicate to me that I haven’t been entirely clear on this issue. I have heard such comments in real life from readers of my book Not Ashamed of the Gospel: Confessions of a Liberal Charismatic. In general people wonder whether I believe that people…
The Concept of Trajectories
I like to talk about trajectories in scripture. This may sound odd to some. A trajectory, according to Merriam-Webster, is “a path, progression, or line of development resembling a physical trajectory.” When I talk about scriptural trajectories, I’m referring in particular to the last part of that definition–a line of development. (Compare also the use…
No Place Like Home for the Troops
I’m a fairly regular reader of the evangelical outpost, and often disagree, even though I respond here infrequently.; Today Joe Carter has a post, The Ruby Slipper Option: Why We Can’t Win in Iraq, that is really exceptionally good, though I detect that Carter is less happy with his conclusion than I am. I have…
Role of Women
I thought I was just about done with this topic after commenting on <a href="textual issues, but there have been some additional comments that called attention to some additional information. Molly commented and through her comment I found her very thoughtful entry Jesus/Women: Equal Worth, Unequal Role (?), and her link to another thoughtful article,…
Updating the Grudem Interview and Discussion
Since I previously posted on the interview that Adrian Warnock is conducting with Wayne Grudem, I thought it would be a good idea to update. There are two more entries of interest: Part Four – Ethical Trajectories, Feminism, and HomosexualityI’m afraid the argument here that stands out is that feminism, and the arguments used by…
Medical Personnel Used as Scapegoats in Lybia
I really have nothing to add to this, but I do want to make sure it gets maximum publicity: Libya vs. Evolutionary Science: Will the Tripoli Six be sentenced to death by firing squad? There are five nurses and a doctor on trial in Lybia for spreading AIDS, and it’s clear that they have done…
Does Gordon Fee Discard Part of the Bible?
In the third part of his interview series, Adrian Warnock makes the following comment in asking a question of Dr. Wayne Grudem: I was impressed by your compassion and fairness in the introduction of your new book expressed towards your egalitarian colleagues who you mention by name. At a later point, talking about Dr. Gordon…
Christian Carnival #CLI Posted
I almost forgot my link to the Christian Carnival #CLI, so that’s it. Thanks to Nerd Family for hosting an excellent carnival.
The Most Annoying Theologian I’ve Never Read
. . . is Wayne Grudem. Well, not quite true. The most annoying theologian is Peter Ruckman of the Pensacola Bible Institute, and I have read some of his stuff. I’ve also read articles by Grudem, and I wouldn’t come close to excluding him from Christianity, so I guess I have read him and he’s…
Textual Critism on 1 Corinthians 14:34-35
I’ve posted something on this over on my Threads blog, titled Does Gordon Fee Discard Part of the Bible?. That post is a response to part of a interview with Wayne Grudem by Adrian Warnock. I think it will be of interest to readers of this blog for the textual criticism aspects, though less so…
Truth, Pluralism, and Absolutism
There has been a rather interesting, if somewhat confused, discussion over on Locusts and Honey about pluralism and truth. The reason I’m not commenting there is that most points have already been made in that thread and I want to go off on a tangent. I believe there’s a substantial problem with many discussions of…
And I’m not . . .
. . . an evangelical, that is. Jason Woolever posted an interesting entry several days ago about what it means to be an evangelical and I’m finally getting around to commenting. It’s not that I have a problem with Jason’s post. It’s more that I have had some problem finding a good, current definition of…
Australia Moving on Stem Cells
Australia is reversing a previous stand and allowing therapeutic stem cell cloning. Read the full story on Yahoo! News.
Can a Translation be Completely Accurate
There’s an interesting thread in the Religion Forum right now, What is a Biblical Translation?, which goes into the issue of whether one can create a 100% accurate Bible translation. Of course, the answer is “no.” If you want 100% accuracy, you need to go to the source language. But even there you bring yourself…
Hiding the Evidence about Human Evolution
This one has been going on for some time now, but it is still an active fight of which we should remain aware. Kenyan Pentecostals are trying to prevent the display of Kenya’s famous humanoid fossils in the national museum along with their evolutionary explanation. (See the ABC News story here.) The major complaint is…
Excavators in West Bank find Early Christian Church
According to a story in the Washington Times credited to the London Daily Telegraph, excavators in Israel have found a very early Christian church. They are now presented with the standard conundrum of preservation vs. digging. Hopefully a compromise can be found. This would be a site of great interest for settling some issues about…