Christian Carnival CLVIII
Welcome to the January 24, 2007 edition of christian carnival, #CLVIII. I’m your cyber-librarian for the week, and I’d like to welcome you to our cyber-library, temporarily located right here! In case you’re wondering about the numbers in parentheses you can find out more here. I used some of them rather loosely!
Biblical Studies (220)
Codex: Resources for Biblical Studies Blogspot presents And God said, “Let there be Limricks” (Genesis as a Limerick)–The chapters of Genesis summarized as an extended limerick.
Chasing the Wind presents Rededicating Lives Read. Study. Mourn. Celebrate. Repent. Promise. God has a plan for you, and He wrote it down. If you read your bible, you’ll find out what it is. A study of Nehemiah chapter 8-10.
Lingamish presents C.S. Lewis on Bible translation, part 3: Silk stockings or blue jeans. Description: Lingamish raps up a series on C.S. Lewis imagining men in tights and Bibles in blue jeans.
Jeremy Pierce presents Exodus 22:1-4 in the NRSV posted at Parableman. He asks, “Why does the NRSV reorder the text in Exodus 22:1-4?”
The Journey presents Jeffrey Archer writes his own gospel.
Jeffrey Archer is taking aim at the traditional understanding of Judas Iscariot. He has co-written a book which paints Judas as someone who wanted Jesus to overthrow the politcal power of the Romans. He believes that Judas was someone who misunderstood what Jesus was trying to achieve on earth.
Christian Living (248)
Dana presents Gifting posted at Dana’s Avenue. She says that she and her husband are new missionaries with Wycliffe and preparing to leave for Tanzania this summer.
Patricia presents Self-Fulfilling Prophecy posted at A Better You Blog. God tells us in Romans how to be transformed by renewing our mind. How are your thoughts steering you?
Barbara presents Getting our house in order at Tidbits and Treasures. We often pay more attention to our literal house than that of our spiritual house. Our body, our spiritual house, is the temple of the Holy Spirit, and we should never become complacent in our tending to it.
This week at Light Along the Journey John is asking us Who are you listening to?
All Things Bloggable presents Heroes on Earth, saints in Heaven, an exploration of our desire as Christians to become heroes in the real world, and how it is overshadowed by a false sense of heroics in the virtual world.
Theology (230)
Veracity-The Way presents Evangelical?, asking what does it mean when someone says they are an Evangelical? Not much, from what the Barna Group tells us.
Romans 15:4 Project presents Fear and Doubt. I wonder if this is what Peter felt as he started walking on the water toward our King (Matthew 14:25-33 ). What if we never followed through on our dreams because of fear and doubt?
Laurie Bluedorn presents Could I make my own heart soft, would I need the Lord to do it for me? posted at Trivium Pursuit.
Elias presents Why I believe that Christ is God! posted at Ramblings of an Australian teacher.
Mark Olson presents St. Maximus on the Consequences of Biological Hypostasis posted at Pseudo-Polymath. Cutting my egg teeth in theology or in which I consider alternatives to the duality of body and mind/soul in Christian notions of being following John Zizioulas and St. Maximus the Confessor.
Philosophy (100)
Sun and Shield presents Islamic Anti-science Philosophy?, reacting to an article by Steven Weinberg, a Nobel Prize-winning physicist and author, who is, himself, criticizing the atheist attacks of Richard Dawkins on Christianity. Weinberg, an atheist himself, says that, to defend science, Dawkins should be attacking Islam, and goes on to explain that al-Ghazali, an important Muslim philosopher of about 1,000 years ago, undercut science in Muslims by claiming that there aren’t really laws of nature. I had never heard of this (it seems to be at least partially true) so I examined this claim. Weinberg also pokes at Christians, because, he says, they really don’t believe what they say they do. (He explains why he thinks so. Again, it is at least partially true.)
Social Theology (261)
Tantalizing if True presents The case against politeness, telling us why niceness isn’t a good test for truth
Prayer (240)
Attention Span presents The God Who Offends, thanking God after a football game seems to rub some the wrong way. At Attention Span, rev-ed muses about The God Who Offends.
Youth (268)
Life in Student Ministry presents World of Warcraft FAQs for Christians: Introduction. This is the first post in a two-week series that is currently running at Life in Student Ministry. What is World of Warcraft and how can we understand it in a Christian context?
Psychology (150)
Jake Danger presents Belief in God Declared a ‘Mental Illness’ by the American Psychological Association posted at Churchianity Today (copyrighted material).
Religious Freedom (320)
50 Days After presents Golden Statue in Madya Pradesh, about a law in an Indian state requiring all school children to pray to a Hindu god.
Crossroads presents Has the Persecution Begun?. Many have predicted there will be persecution of Christians in the United States. Has the first stage begun already with the recent publication of three books?
Eschatology (236)
Nancy Geiger presents What I Learned Teaching Sunday School: The Promised Land – Heaven posted at What I Learned Teaching Sunday School.
Frank Lordi presents Is Catholicism the Harlot (Rider of the Beast) in Revelation 17? posted at Revelations.
Evangelism and Mission (266)
Brian Russell at Real Meal ministries offers Living an Evangelistic/Missional Lifestyle. This essay explores practical ways to influence the world for the mission of God through Jesus Christ.
Education (370)
Home Where They Belong presents Mentor? Now knowing the importance of the role of mentor and remembering those that have helped to mentor me, am I ready to be mentor myself?
Homiletics (251)
Rev Bill presents The Art Of Preparing A Sermon. Rev Bill shares his conviction about the importance of sermon preparation, and shares some posts he has found on the mechanics of preparing a sermon.
Music (780)
Fish and Cans presents Importance of Song. Do you ever wonder about the songs that we sing? Do you ever wonder if they mean or teach anything?
Chris Alexion at Welcome to the Fallout presents Oh! Gravity, a review of California rock group Switchfoot’s latest album.
Ecology (574)
Christians are called to be good stewards of God’s creation. Green up your closet with plant-based fabrics and get the latest on evangelicals and climate change over at The Evangelical Ecologist.
An Announcement
Weekend Fisher at Heart, Mind, Soul, and Strength posts Christian Reconciliation Carnival: Call for Submissions, an announcement for new monthly Christian Reconciliation Carnival. This month’s topic: setting the record straight for strawman arguments made against your group. Submissions by midnight on 1/30/2007.
That concludes this edition of the Christian Carnival. We hope you enjoyed the virtual reading room. Submit your blog article to the next edition of Christian Carnival using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our
blog carnival index page.
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christian carnival, blog carnival.
Thanks for all the work you’ve put into presenting this week’s carnival. đŸ™‚
Howdy, Henry. Looks great.