Working on Bloglines
A reader told me that my feed wasn’t updating in bloglines. I have confirmed that indeed it is not. I’m trying a run through the claim process to see if it will repair itself.
New Blog – Clashing Culture
Via Steve Matheson (one of the NCSE Steve’s), I found Clashing Culture, which looks like it will be a great group blog involving atheists and Christians discussing science and religion. I look forward to reading it regularly.
Louisiana Coalition for Science
I’m a bit behind on this, but a group of citizens in Louisiana have formed the Louisiana Coalition for Science, which is responding to similar legislative efforts to the one that died at the end of the legislative session here in Florida this year. Both personally and as a board member of Florida Citizens for…
With Critics Like These
I will probably have to repent for posting this, but I can’t resist. Post in haste, repent at leisure–probably much leisure.
I received the following comment on YouTube responding to my video Why I Hate the KJV.
Gitmo Detainees have Rights
Whoda thunk it? The Supreme Court has ruled 5-4 that the detainees have constitutional rights and can appeal to civilian courts, according to this MSNBC story. While I believe that extraordinary measures may be needed in war, there are several reasons why I don’t think that is the case here. 1) This has gone on…
Ordination and Impartation Questions
I called to congratulate a friend and former student who was just ordained a full elder in the United Methodist Church at annual conference, and he said, tongue-in-cheek, “Yes, I feel much more powerful now!” So since some of the comments here (from PamBG [her comment], Diane R. [her comment] and Peter Kirk [his comment])…
Explaining a Quiet Week
I got to my office this Monday morning following my week in Niagara Falls for my mom’s 90th birthday, and discovered that my hosting provider, had finally moved my main and oldest site, to its new server. I understand quite well why it took them some time to move. The site is complicated and…
McCain Supports Warrantless Wiretaps
. . . according to a letter on NRO reported in this MSNBC story. He gets worse as he runs. Too bad. In 2000 I supported him.
Starting User Input Update on
For the eager multitudes (even if they are only “eager” and indeed “multitudes” in my imagination!) who have been awaiting the changes to to allow personalized lists of versions, I have an announcement . . . [cue trumpet fanfare, imaginary like the multitudes] The site has finally been moved to the new server, thus…
Dave Faulkner on Lakeland
Dave Faulkner has commented here on posts about the Lakeland Revival, and he has a new article looking at some of the healing and even resurrection claims. He hasn’t come to sweeping conclusions, but is certainly asking the right questions. It’s worth a read, if you’re interested in the topic.
Politicians, Adultery, and Integrity
Despite the broad and pretentious title, this is going to be short and simple. James Poulos wrote today about politicians who commit adultery (HT: evangelical outpost), and said: …What Im angling for here is simple: a basic public consensus that if you sleep around on your spouse you are a bad person, and to hell…
Small Group Error Correction
Last Saturday I attended church with my mother, who is a Seventh-day Adventist. I was visiting for her 90th birthday. During Sabbath School (the SDA version of Sunday School), there were a number of questionable “facts” brought out by various members of the class. Amongst these was “Spare the rod and spoil the child” as…
Periodic Diatribe on Moderation
It would be nice to have a different word for this that carried less baggage, but if you make up a word, who will understand? Besides I think moderation in general has gotten a bad name. I’ve encountered this recently with regard to the Lakeland Revival. In general I have taken little flack online, but…
Bentley and Lakeland on MSNBC
There’s an article here. Looks pretty neutral.
An Argument for Disestablishing the Major Parties
Watching the debate about the Michigan and Florida primaries has been instructive in many ways. I’ve previously noted that I come at it from two different angles. First, the states broke the rules and thus deserve to be penalized, though why this penalty should be complete elimination of the delegation I don’t know. Second, the…
In Niagara Falls, NY
I’m up in these parts, far from the sunny beaches, to be with my mother for her 90th birthday which is today. She is an amazing woman who is still lively, uses a cane but walks too quickly for many younger people, continues to volunteer in projects at church, helps tutor people who are willing…
Appearance of the Form of the Glory
In today’s Running Toward the Goal podcast, recorded on the road with apologies for the quality, I discuss Ezekiel 1:28. I thought that as additional reference I’d provide my discussion of these terms from my college paper originally written in 1979. This is unchanged from the original form. (This extract is an appendix to the…
Revival, Faith Healing, and Healing Prayer
Update (5/27/08): Before you conclude that I’m a deist and that I don’t believe in any miracles at all, please read the discussion in the comments, where, to put it briefly I affirm both healing miracles and the bodily resurrection of Jesus. These are things I accept by faith, however, whilst doubting one’s ability to…
Misplaced Grief
My wife has written a post about a family who is suing the wrong people in their grief.
Exceptional Church Service at 1st UMC Niagara Falls
Even when traveling I like to make it to church, and I especially like to visit new churches and see just what they’re doing. One often ends up in an annoying service, but I’ve also had some of my most encouraging moments with regard to the state of the church in attending services I picked…
In Niagara Falls, NY
I spent yesterday traveling, and thus no blogging. Well, I could have, but I didn’t! I’m in the Niagara Falls, NY area for my mother’s 90th birthday. She’s still very active and involved in church and service projects as she has been all her life. You can read more about her and her book that…
Hillary Clinton and the Black Knight
This video is pretty funny: HT: One Thing I Know.
Hunting Down the Holy Spirit
One interesting privilege I had during the Brownsville Revival here in Pensacola was meeting groups going to and from the revival. At the time I was a member of Pine Forest United Methodist Church, and groups would stay in the Family Life Center there in order to be in range to get to the revival…
Received: For the Life of the World
In some much earlier discussions on health care, which I never really completed in any satisfactory manner, I was discussing Alexander Schmemann’s book For the Life of the World with Mark Olson of Pseudo-Polymath. Unfortunately, I didn’t have a copy of the book so as to discuss it intelligently. I sent off for one via…