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A Review of Carson: Becoming Conversant with the Emerging Church
This review is way off my beaten track, but I’ve read much of the material referenced, except for the main player, Carson’s book. I find the issues interesting. On most of them I would come out quite liberal. I was interested in the summary of emerging/emergent issues as sometimes I have a hard time differentiating…
Review: Simple Faith Bible
Subtitle: Following Jesus into a Life of Peace, Compassion & Wholeness I find it hard to fairly review study Bibles. On the one hand, I am a bit hesitant to have so much text combined with the text of scripture, because everything we do to add to the text, even arranging it into chapters and…
Connectionalism and Dysfunctional Churches
I have made a few negative comments about conference dashboards keeping statistics on membership, apportionments, and other activities available to anyone who wants to read. I continue to question whether these numbers really tell the story of the health of the churches. There are, I believe, some very large and growing churches that have little…
Dave Black at Chumuckla Community Church
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The Problem with WWJD
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God is Creator of Everything
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