The Cubs!

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In 1999 the Chicago Cubs drafted my stepson John Webb. He would go on to a lot of AA and AAA ball, and would spend some time in the majors with the Tampa Bay Rays. Now he teaches youngsters how to play and parents how not to behave as fans of their young players.

So despite not having a history as a Cubs fan, I do have a special place in my heart for them. I also hate all the curse stories, so I’m glad to see those get put to rest. Well, I bet they live on, but perhaps diminished in importance.

The really important thing about the World Series this year was that it was great fun and showed some good baseball. To have it decided in the 10th inning of the 7th game with some pretty determined players up against one another was good for the game of baseball as well.

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One Comment

  1. Normally I’m a SF Giants fan, but since I love baseball and it comes down to 2 teams in the World Series, I chose the Cubs – maybe because they were down in the early games and I tend to love underdogs. It was a great game, and a much deserved win…tough for Cleveland at home though….

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