Christian Carnival CLXXIII Posted
. . . at Pseudo-Polymath. Go look at it for the fine pictures used to separate the sections. Oh–read the articles too!
. . . at Pseudo-Polymath. Go look at it for the fine pictures used to separate the sections. Oh–read the articles too!
While chapter 2 is not the core or torso of the argument of the book of Hebrews, it is at least one of the legs on which it stands. To prepare yourself to look at these last few verses, re-read the entire chapter, and then consider looking again at my posts: Jesus as Human and…
Christian Carnival CLVI has been posted at Parableman. It looks like a rich list again, and as I have for weeks and weeks and weeks, I hope to manage to post some responses, links, and comments to a number of these posts. Reality being what it is, however, I probably will do a miserable job…
Note: This is a repost due to the database crash. I believe this is the only post that was not part of the restored backup, so we should now have all entries. Having just turned from a book which I did not find very helpful, I’m happy to present one which I consider an exceptional…
. . . has been posted at Random Acts of Verbiage. A group of Christian bloggers have been pulling this all back together. Dory has been out of touch and she is in all our prayers. We are hoping she is just excessively busy. HT: Lingamish.
I’m going to be hosting the next Christian Carnival at The Jevlir Caravansary, my fiction and poetry blog. The carnival is posted each Wednesday, and submissions are due by midnight Tuesday, though they are welcomed earlier. You can submit your entry using the submission form at Check out the requirements for inclusion, and then…
Today is my wife Jody’s 60th birthday. She’s 60 years young today. I know that’s a cliche, but in her case it’s also very true. At heart she is quite flexible. Attaining the big six oh has not cost her sense of humor, her flexibility, or her ability to relate to young people. I’ve always…