Friday Reading 11/9/2007

I’ve found a way to make short comments on some of the blog posts I read, but either don’t have time to comment on, or have only a very little bit to say. The result: these link posts.

  • I think I’m supposed to leave more time between agreements with Joe Carter but even though he is addressing this post to conservatives, I think it is applicable elsewhere as well. Television and radio news especially contribute to a lack of connection and actual understanding of events.
  • Carl Zimmer of The Loom, and author of many books on science, writes this column on climate change. He explains some things that seem odd at first glance. This emphasizes the need for careful study and examination of all the factors. If you haven’t read any books by Carl Zimmer, you’re missing something!
  • I linked earlier to two views on the upcoming movie, The Golden Compass. Here’s another one.
  • I want to call attention to a piece of my own writing, as my fictional God-Talk Club takes on the subject of tornadoes destroying churches. Note that this is largely an exercise for me in writing dialogue, but I’m enjoying it, so why not inflict some on my friends, not to mention enemies?
  • My wife has a post announcing the upcoming 6th John Webb Winter Golf Tournament, which is a major event for our family, through which we join with many friends in raising money for the children’s hospital where our son was treated. We raise the money for the child life program, which provides games, reading, and other entertainment and support for the children. If you’re within striking distance of the Pensacola area, consider playing. We also take donations. Since the tournament pays for itself, all donated money will end up buying stuff for the kids.

Well, that’s a variety for today. On to the next thing …

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