Methodist Blogs Weekly Roundup #129
. . . has been posted thanks to Allan Bevere.
. . . has been posted thanks to Allan Bevere.
Dave Black warns us today against the cult of the speaker. (With permission I’ve extracted the relevant portion as a post at since Dave’s blog doesn’t allow linking to a specific post.) Considering what we’ve heard recently about megachurches creating satellite campuses that receive the message from the senior pastor on the main campus…
. . . at Diary of 1.
Bruce Epperly comments on the lectionary passages for next Sunday (Epiphany 3B), which are extraordinarily well suited for a process theologian. Well worth checking out!
. . . has been posted. My post received mention as best of the Methodist blogosphere. I’ve been coordinating a small conference over the weekend, and I hope to write a few words about it here. I also hope to make some comment on other posts from the MBWR. It was, as Allan mentioned, a…
I want to thank UM Insight for publishing a post from this blog, Defensive Christianity. It’s encouraging to have a post recognized and republished, and I appreciate what they do for the United Methodist Church.
Ben Witherington has a very good piece on cessationism and the Pentecostal movement. He acknowledge both the good and the not so good. It’s worth taking a look.