Just a Closer Walk
I love both of these performances. Some music to get the brain cells moving along!
… there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh. — Ecclesiastes 12:12 (ASV) I think that will be my new theme text. With four books in process with release dates varying from this coming week to July, and a very small staff with most work done by contract, I have…
My brother, Dr. Robert Neufeld, preserved a recording of our father preaching, something he did not do all that often. Dr. Raymond D. Neufeld spent his life in service as a doctor. He didn’t talk about it a great deal. He just kept doing what he believed was right. In this recording, the final 2…
I just got the news that my mother and older sister have passed their Amateur Extra examinations with flying colors. My sister received a 100% grade, making a clean sweep of the exams for her. This makes five extra class amateur radio operators in my immediate family: Dad – Ray Neufeld – KT4B – silent…
And what is ALGNT? I’m glad you asked! That’s Aprenda a Leer el Griego del Nuevo Testamento. Thomas Hudgins has just forwarded the latest round of corrections. You haven’t lived until you’ve laid out a Greek grammar written in Spanish, always assuming Spanish is, for you as for me, a second language.
As I write posts and various notes that speak against fear, I want to make sure some things are clear. There are two quotes that have been going through my mind. The first is: “Prayer is not a substitute for anything, and there is no substitute for prayer.” I know I first heard this from…