Lawyers and Politicians
We like to hate lawyers, but the real problem with our laws is that they are written by politicians.
News stories this morning pointed out that Romney outspent Huckabee 6 to 1 in Iowa, yet in the end it wasn’t enough for a win. It’s interesting that the expectation is that spending is equal to votes. It’s unfortunate that it’s often quite true. Voters frequently complain about the behavior of candidates–too many sound bites,…
A very funny clip from The Daily Show: The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c Crisis in Dairyland – For Richer and Poorer – Teachers and Wall Street Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor & Satire Blog</a> The Daily Show on Facebook I would normally have a serious problem…
I was just watching Chris Matthews on Hardball who is quite upset about the 60% requirement for a Senate cloture vote because it prevents an up-and-down vote on the stimulus package. I seem to recall Democratic outrage at the “nuclear option” which would have removed that requirement for certain types of votes on judicial nominations….
Well, actually he’s summarizing Paul C. McGlasson. I recently wrote about hearing Dutch Sheets speak and mentioned what he had to say about the term “dominionism.” There is something that concerns me here, and that is that Rushdoony and those who agree with him are lumped in with folks like C. Peter Wagner, and of…
More legal invasions of privacy, sponsored by a democrat.
I planned to post this yesterday, but both work and family intervened, leaving me with insufficient time to complete the task. Work involved family as I helped my brother with a computer problem at his office. Family was in the form of listening to my stepson play baseball via the internet, as the Pensacola Pelicans…
But most of our politicians ARE lawyers or went to law school.
Yes, but when practicing as a politician, they think differently. They write a law so people will support their vote for it, then practicing lawyers have to interpret them. Even if the same person did both it would be like two different people!