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Doggy Oaths
I’d like someone to explain to me how dogs can become sworn officers. I imagine a lot from my dog’s expressions and attitudes, but I’m at a loss on this one.
Doing Something
I’ve been trying to think of something useful to say about the nine people killed at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston and failing miserably. My wife beat me to it. What she said.

A Note to Headline Readers
Don’t! Before you share anything, read the whole article. Check your facts. But even before that … before you believe anything, read carefully, check your facts. Headlines are often misleading. Their purpose is to get you to read, and in social media, they are aimed to get you to share. In an emergency, misinformation can…

Dave Black at Chumuckla Community Church
I had the pleasure today of hosting Dr. David Alan Black at Chumuckla Community Church. I’ve been teaching there for the last five weeks, and preached once. Today Dave shared pictures of some of his mission work and also preached. His sermon was titled “Jesus and the 30 Year Transition, working from Luke 3:23. Well,…
Pelicans win 2nd Game in Series against Sports 4-0
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In Memoriam: John William McKenzie Brady
In Memoriam: John William McKenzie Brady
Doggy Oaths
I’d like someone to explain to me how dogs can become sworn officers. I imagine a lot from my dog’s expressions and attitudes, but I’m at a loss on this one.
Doing Something
I’ve been trying to think of something useful to say about the nine people killed at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston and failing miserably. My wife beat me to it. What she said.

A Note to Headline Readers
Don’t! Before you share anything, read the whole article. Check your facts. But even before that … before you believe anything, read carefully, check your facts. Headlines are often misleading. Their purpose is to get you to read, and in social media, they are aimed to get you to share. In an emergency, misinformation can…

Dave Black at Chumuckla Community Church
I had the pleasure today of hosting Dr. David Alan Black at Chumuckla Community Church. I’ve been teaching there for the last five weeks, and preached once. Today Dave shared pictures of some of his mission work and also preached. His sermon was titled “Jesus and the 30 Year Transition, working from Luke 3:23. Well,…
Pelicans win 2nd Game in Series against Sports 4-0
. . . and our son’s friend Brandon Sing (also our house guest) hit a two run homer in the first. Story in the Pensacola News Journal.
In Memoriam: John William McKenzie Brady
In Memoriam: John William McKenzie Brady
Doggy Oaths
I’d like someone to explain to me how dogs can become sworn officers. I imagine a lot from my dog’s expressions and attitudes, but I’m at a loss on this one.
Doing Something
I’ve been trying to think of something useful to say about the nine people killed at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston and failing miserably. My wife beat me to it. What she said.