Cats Stealing Dog Beds
Because y’all have nothing better to do!
This is too much fun: HT: The Agitator, who suggests they should be hired as commentators by MSNBC and Fox News. I agree.
Students at UC San Diego are trying to solve a really serious problem. (Because of the way this theme works, you need to go to the actual post to get the link. At some point I’ll try to figure out how to change that.)
From David Hayward: (License: Creative Commons 3.0)
I encountered a comment by Herman Cummings on the Florida Citizens for Science Blog. I’m sorry, well, no I’m not, but I just really couldn’t resist. Here’s a guy who claims to be the foremost expert on Genesis. I kid you not. I quote from his web site: I am the foremost terrestrial authority on…
I had chosen to lead into Isaiah 61 by starting with Luke 4:16ff, but I only got to the end of 4:16, “stood up to read.” I don’t work well with these schedules.
Does anyone other than me see a problem here? I will reassure you that the gate goes all the way across and so does the mountain of dirt. The only through traffic will be the road destruction equipment.