The Federal Government Could Save Some Money
… by not doing this. Maybe some of those states’ rights advocates could apply some states’ rights to the issue.
Jonathan Last defends Nate Silver, but it’s really just explaining what “probability” means. HT: Dispatches.
Too many people complain when the other party abuses power, few when their own does. Ed Brayton smacks both down. Good job!
Not too long ago I posted about the necessity for church politics. Today I was reading Frederick W. Danker’s commentary on 2 Corinthians, and I ran across a similar argument, based on 2 Corinthians. Let me quote it: Much of Paul’s success lay in his political acumen, with a flair for recognition of the potential…
I’ve been following Dr. Reich’s blog ever since I discovered it during the primary season. He was Labor Secretary during the Clinton administration, and I recall not always agreeing with him at the time, though I don’t recall the details. In any case, from the time when TARP was passed through the auto industry bailout,…
My own preference would be that any prayers in congress be privately, not officially conducted. That is due on the one hand to my conviction that we should be a pluralistic, secular society, and on the other to my doubt that politically stage managed prayers are of any value. But given that prayers are offered…
Those interested in the situation in [tag]Myanmar[/tag] (formerly Burma) will be interested in this story from ScienceNOW published by the AAAS. Researchers used high resolution images from commercial satellites to confirm a substantial number of reports of atrocities by the Burmese military. For those interested in taking action, see the U. S. Campaign for Burma.