State of Income Inequality in the United States
I’m posting this for discussion. I plan to use as the question in our Energion political debate in April. Right now the participants are discussing the budget. From the middle of March (March 21) into April they’ll be discussing the role of government and why they take the position they do. Then starting April 18 we’ll be discussing income distribution.
But here’s the video. Get started thinking!
Note: While there are just two official participants, I will link from the debate posts to anyone who sends me a response on the current topic. Note that any essays on income distribution will not be posted until after April 18. Through mid-March, essays and comments are welcome on the budget.
HT: Upworthy
Obviously, my good man, you have simply been overcome by the demon of envy. The wealth of t he rich and blessed man contributes to the welfare of all, he spends far more than you, and his largesse trickles down upon us all, a great shower of gold, as it were; for which all lesser men, mindful of their proper station, rightly profess great joy and gratitude.
Indeed the smaller craft are buoyed up by the waves engendered by the mighty, too great to fail, who serve not many masters, but in their wisdom but one alone, the mighty Self by which all wealth was made. Tax not the rich, and thereby add to their burdens, and speak not in thy jealousy of income redistribution.
Obviously, my good man “x”, you don’t have a clue who Henry is or you would never have made such a verbose assumption.
Henry, count me in on your “discussion.” I can’t promise any essays on my part, but I’d like read what others think.