I Want My Canine Chauffeur
Don’t believe me? Check here for video. (HT: Dave Black Online)
Don’t believe me? Check here for video. (HT: Dave Black Online)
In a sign either that the human species is less doomed than I had thought, or that the heat death of the universe is more imminent, FiveThirtyEight.com reports that The Chicken Dance was banned at 23.1% of wedding receptions last year. The value of this datum is somewhat diminished by the fact that they found…
I like this plan! (HT: The Zeray Gazette.)
… and that title may be too soft. Nonetheless those with a sense of humor should get a few good laughs from this. One keeps hoping it’s a spoof, but it doesn’t appear to be. This is so not what Revelation is about!
And now for a rare humor break: Reminds me of all the things people think I should be able to do because I read Greek.
Because y’all have nothing better to do!
Too funny! (Hat tip: Jim West)