Bad Time of Year for a Black Cat
(HT: Why Evolution is True)
(HT: Why Evolution is True)
This one is great! HT: evangelical outpost. To those who have seen my previous Site Advisor notes, evangelical outpost is now rated green by their site.
It’s always great to receive cases of new books, and yesterday was no exception as our first copies of Megabelt arrived. I wrote earlier (Beware Friends Bearing Manuscripts) about receiving the manuscript for this little book. Since then we have done considerable work with it, produced what I think is a truly unique and creative…
Link to Video HT: Why Evolution is True.
Weaponized T-Rex.
And now for a rare humor break: Reminds me of all the things people think I should be able to do because I read Greek.
. . . and it is to laugh Created by OnePlusYou – Free Dating Site What’s to laugh about? It says this rating is based on the presence of the words “dead” (2x) and “torture” (1x). Hat Tip: C.Orthodoxy and a crowd of others.