When NOT to Read the Bible
When driving?
(HT: Kouya Chronicle)
When driving?
(HT: Kouya Chronicle)
I have added a category “Lectionary” to all the (relevant) blogs to which I contribute. That includes my big three (see the sidebar) along with a couple of group blogs, one merely shared with my wife. Some years ago before I had a blog I tried to keep up with creating a new page each…
Rationally Speaking has a great article on the uncertainties in scientific research and what they mean about science. I think a good deal of the problem here is that people expect certainty, and science doesn’t provide this. Occasionally one can get near certainty, but absolute certainty is elusive. On the frontiers of medicine, especially, you’ll…
Jeremy at Free Old Testament Audio has created an Biblioblogger Amazon.com aStore and is creating lists of books by various bibliobloggers, including yours truly. I encourage you to head over and check it out and consider buying through his links if you plan on buying any of those books. Jeremy has been doing some nice…
Tonight I’ll be hosting two Energion authors with strongly opposed viewpoints on the question: Is Social Justice a good thing? The questionf and answer app for Google Hangouts on Air will be enabled, so bring your questions. You can also tweet questions to @energion. Arguing against “social justice” as a useful concept will be Elgin…
Read it here. While many people get there updates on this blog, I now post all moderate Christian blogroll data on the Moderate Christian Blogroll Blog.
OK, these are just too much fun. I understand some people have gotten offended. If you’re that easily offended you should read them–you deserve it! (HT: Dave Black Online.)