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Links for 12/7/07
Here a just a few things I think my readers might find interesting, but that I won’t get much time to comment on: Human events has an article on intelligent design by a conservative who doesn’t think much of it. In fact, he thinks the main stream media cover it because it’s embarrassing to conservatives….
Some Beautiful Fractals
. . . and from the sarcastic to the beautiful. Christine at Quiet Paths regularly posts beautiful pictures. This time she outdid herself with a fractal pattern that is truly gorgeous, titled simply Blue Fractal. I recommend you go take a look.
Biblical Inspiration Links – 1
In How has Literal Interpretation Changed, Erik at Fundamentally Changed discusses the ways in which we must reinterpret literal interpretation. I don’t generally like the very idea that interpretation should be literal, but Erik makes some excellent suggestions. One of the questions I ask in When People Speak for God is just how Abraham knew…
Rounding Up My Blogs
I’ve written two posts that might interest readers of Threads. The first is on how we listen and read, and the second is on capitalization in translation of the Hebrew scriptures. (And no, the Hebrew doesn’t have capitalization, so what gives?)
My Wife has a Blog
My wife Jody, author of two books, has started her own blog. She has previously been an occasional contributor to this blog, and has kept up a daily devotional list, but now has launched a more general opinion blog. She opened with her post on the causes and consequences of Paris Hilton’s recent activities.
Gleaning from the Christian Carnival
A good start for blogging on my return after a few days out is to link to a few of the entries from the Christian Carnival CXLI that caught my attention. As always, I’d love to read and comment on more of these entries, but I don’t have time to essentially redo the carnival. Go…