Biblioblog Rankings for July
I thought they might not post a static list, since you can get it live, but they did, and it’s here. There are also a couple of notes on developing the library:
- Need for better hosting
- Possible peer reviewed bibliblog
I thought they might not post a static list, since you can get it live, but they did, and it’s here. There are also a couple of notes on developing the library:
I will resume the studies next Thursday night. Some unforeseen scheduling problems intervened.
One more administrative post for the day–I’m cleaning my blogroll. I am removing many links that are duplicated with the external blogrolls I display (Moderate Christian Blogroll, Unright Christian Blogs, Philophronos Blogroll, and the Methoblog). I am also removing defunct blogs. If your blog disappeared from the roll completely, and it’s not defunct, please let…
I’ve gone out on a limb and upgraded to WordPress 3.0 Beta 1, after trying it on a couple of test sites. It’s really working quite well. I’m rearranging some of the pieces of the blog. Everything should be working in the meantime, except that a few sidebar items may be missing.
There are many different faith journeys, and I would not presume to speak for all of them. One reason, however, for theology students to lose their faith as they become more educated is that they are given no room to explore questions that they have and are greeted with judgmental attitudes. This specifically applies to…
OK, the votes are in and I see some people who don’t like -MORE- tags, and nobody who really, really wants them, so I’m going to go with my inclinations and not use them at all. I used them so rarely, and so inconsistently that it was probably not going to work anyhow. Thanks to…
I have temporarily disabled my based blogrolls due to very slow loading. I will look into what can be done. Some blogrolls can probably be restored using another method. For the moment, however, the site was unusable with those blogrolls enabled.
Good to see movement again.
On topic – I’ve gotten a few requests to make my blog a biblioblog. I keep saying, “no.” I’m saying so ignorantly. Like a one-stop rule in an algorithm – ignorance/stop. It’s just the way I feel. I’m asking you. Not for how-to. About pro’s and con’s?
Sorta-on-topic. This goes to bible study in general. Inerrancy, maybe. Canon, sorta. Would you please do me a favor? I keep getting questions about my research and work. I’ve worked up a professional bio. Would you please see and criticize?
If you have the time, then you might find a little (maybe) of value to you in your inerrancy (maybe canon?) sorts of musings.
For example, the bio includes – “Clergy broke down. Cases suffered catastrophe for lack of proper judgment. Key – the religious and theological rules – the religious rules themselves – suffered catastrophe. Deformity. Shear. Cascading failure. Religious rules and theology plotted to resonant disaster. Or worse (for swallowtail lovers).”
Asking for criticism on this bio. I want to get it over. Put it to rest.
Any progress on Robert Barclay?
No, no progress on Robert Barclay. He made it onto my reading less, and then life set in … I’ll get there eventually.
I found your bio rather interesting. It was a bit hard to follow, but with due attention I got the point, I think. I find your research topic very interesting and potentially valuable. I wonder if there might not be a way to publish on the topic without doing injury to your subjects as a group. It’s too bad not to have more material on such adjudication available.
As for biblioblogging, I have a simple philosophy. I blog what I blog and if I’m linked as a biblioblog, I’ll go along with posting the appropriate badge and will link back. If someone suddenly determined that I am not a biblioblog, I wouldn’t make any changes to how I blog.
I apologize for my slow responses here. I’ve been dealing with quite a number of releases and related publicity for my company. It tends to keep me from more personal and less commercial writing simply due to fatigue.
Henry, thanks. Good responses all the way around. ~ Jim
May the Lord be your strength!