What I Get for not Blogging
… #50 in the Biblioblog Top 50.
I’ll have to try to be more diligent!
… #50 in the Biblioblog Top 50.
I’ll have to try to be more diligent!
Thanks to Jeremy for all the hard work in producing the Biblioblog Top 50 this month. Even though I lost ground in my 30 day Alexa ranking, it was still good enough for #9. By the way Joel, writing a script is also work. Few seconds? It is to laugh!
I missed this earlier, but there is a PDF of the full book available on the Desiring God web site. I must admit that a couple of books by N. T. Wright still remain above it on my reading list. Administrative Note: I will be upgrading this blog to WordPress 2.3.1 in the next half…
When driving? (HT: Kouya Chronicle)
The Evangelical Ecologist points to some interesting material on the possibility of getting fuel for energy from the moon. It seems to me that space exploration will really take off when we find an economic reason to go there. Spin-off technology is just not that likely to light up people’s life, and fundamental research is…
Messages are only as useful as the audience they reach … — Joshua Darr, FiveThirtyEight.com Just so! And even though that comes from a post about politics, I’m not thinking politics here.
Update: Everything seems to be working. If you made a comment and it’s missing, let me know. Also, the post that used to be at this URL, Nitpicking Translations, can be found by following the link. ***** A server glitch resulted in the temporary loss of some posts and several comments. I’m working to restore…
Ha. Ha. Oh well, it happens.