Freaking Out About Ayn Rand
As someone who read Ayn Rand starting back in my college days, found her intellectually stimulating, yet disagreed in many ways, I loved this cartoon from (HT: The Agitator)
As someone who read Ayn Rand starting back in my college days, found her intellectually stimulating, yet disagreed in many ways, I loved this cartoon from (HT: The Agitator)
. . . from Lingamish. Speaking of creationists who aren’t stupid. 🙂
The devotional I posted today for my wife’s devotional list has this title. I think it’s a good lesson.
Senate confirms Clinton as secretary of state. Two things will keep me annoyed with Republicans–failure to stand up for principles and useless gestures for no purpose. This was the latter.
The following have joined the Moderate Christian Blogroll: Living with “God Vision”, if i were a bell, i’d ring, Seeking After, and Adventures in Revland. Learn more about the blogroll here.
I still have my Bible version selection tool active, and I’ve just added a directory of recent blog entries on the various versions to my Bible version detail pages. This substantially expands the amount of information available on each version page.
Pseudo-Polymath has posted on Christian duty and health care, and used one of my quotes, though I’m not sure what the relevance of the quote is. His comments, however, are interest, and are making me think. As the son of a missionary MD (father) and RN (mother) I’m very interested in the topic and may…