Free Copy of The Mosaic Bible
… Tyndale has provided me with a certificate to award in a contest over on my Participatory Bible Study blog.
… Tyndale has provided me with a certificate to award in a contest over on my Participatory Bible Study blog.
There may be something less significant than Perot’s opinion of McCain, but I can’t think what it would be. Still, I did give you a link to it! Such is the value of infamy.
An intern with the San Diego Police Department, Gabrielle Wimer, solved a cold case from 1971.
Ed reviews a review of the Bible Literacy Project, by an apparently clueless Alabama state senator, which should explain it all. As readers will know, I prefer that Bible classes not be held in public school, though the Bible should be included where appropriate in other curricula (literature, social studies, history). If one does choose…
Every Bible student should go see this. Really!
So says Joe Carter. I once heard Russell Kirk speak, and I would say it’s good advice. (I date myself a bit there!) More importantly, not being conservative myself, let me suggest that liberals and moderates quit seeing all conservatives through the lens of the likes of Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh. This would require…
Troy Britain has it absolutely right on freedom of speech, with the added bonus that I get to agree with Christopher Hitchens at the same time, which doesn’t happen nearly as often.