Biblical Studies Carnival #45 Posted
… at The Golden Rule, Bible Theme Park edition. Lots of good stuff here, and despite my usual delinquency in submitting anything, I got a link in there.
… at The Golden Rule, Bible Theme Park edition. Lots of good stuff here, and despite my usual delinquency in submitting anything, I got a link in there.
Telic Thoughts has issued a very forthright statement and retraction regarding certain comments they made about Dr. Eric Pianka. Since I had linked to them as one of my sources in my entry Christians and Defamation, I think it is important that I take note of this retraction and the very good intentions (and may…
Hat tip to Gentle Wisdom for this quiz on eschatology: What’s your eschatology?created with You scored as Amillenialist Amillenialism believes that the 1000 year reign is not literal but figurative, and that Christ began to reign at his ascension. People take some prophetic scripture far too literally in your view. Preterist 100% Amillenialist 100%…
Always presuming, of course, that I’m not myself. I can’t resist these quizzes. This one is Peter Kirk’s fault. Which theologian are you?created with You scored as Paul Tillich Paul Tillich sought to express Christian truth in an existentialist way. Our primary problem is alienation from the ground of our being, so that our…
In a previous post I discussed “true belief” and some of the comments have gotten quite interesting. I’ve considered promoting part of the exchange with commenter Lifewish to a post of its own. One commenter mentioned the issue of essentially believing the Nicene Creed as opposed to a more simple statement of belief in God,…
Grace is shocking, if you think about it, because by definition someone gets something unearned. But in Calvinism, it seems, grace becomes even more shocking. Adrian Warnock posts a quote from Jonathan Edwards that expresses predestination quite well. You are saved by grace, someone else isn’t. Edwards notes that “although all things are exactly equal…
I’m running a little behind today, so I’m just going to give you the link. You can check out the details via the event on Google+. The YouTube viewer is embedded below.
Telic Thoughts has issued a very forthright statement and retraction regarding certain comments they made about Dr. Eric Pianka. Since I had linked to them as one of my sources in my entry Christians and Defamation, I think it is important that I take note of this retraction and the very good intentions (and may…
Hat tip to Gentle Wisdom for this quiz on eschatology: What’s your eschatology?created with You scored as Amillenialist Amillenialism believes that the 1000 year reign is not literal but figurative, and that Christ began to reign at his ascension. People take some prophetic scripture far too literally in your view. Preterist 100% Amillenialist 100%…
Always presuming, of course, that I’m not myself. I can’t resist these quizzes. This one is Peter Kirk’s fault. Which theologian are you?created with You scored as Paul Tillich Paul Tillich sought to express Christian truth in an existentialist way. Our primary problem is alienation from the ground of our being, so that our…
In a previous post I discussed “true belief” and some of the comments have gotten quite interesting. I’ve considered promoting part of the exchange with commenter Lifewish to a post of its own. One commenter mentioned the issue of essentially believing the Nicene Creed as opposed to a more simple statement of belief in God,…
Grace is shocking, if you think about it, because by definition someone gets something unearned. But in Calvinism, it seems, grace becomes even more shocking. Adrian Warnock posts a quote from Jonathan Edwards that expresses predestination quite well. You are saved by grace, someone else isn’t. Edwards notes that “although all things are exactly equal…
I’m running a little behind today, so I’m just going to give you the link. You can check out the details via the event on Google+. The YouTube viewer is embedded below.
Telic Thoughts has issued a very forthright statement and retraction regarding certain comments they made about Dr. Eric Pianka. Since I had linked to them as one of my sources in my entry Christians and Defamation, I think it is important that I take note of this retraction and the very good intentions (and may…
Hat tip to Gentle Wisdom for this quiz on eschatology: What’s your eschatology?created with You scored as Amillenialist Amillenialism believes that the 1000 year reign is not literal but figurative, and that Christ began to reign at his ascension. People take some prophetic scripture far too literally in your view. Preterist 100% Amillenialist 100%…