The Espresso Book Machine
This is an announcement from my company, but the technology is very interesting. Books on demand has gone to a new level.
This is an announcement from my company, but the technology is very interesting. Books on demand has gone to a new level.
… and whether they are protestant. I think that Geoffrey Lentz covers the ground rather thoroughly and points to some need for reformation in the church today.
I’ll be hosting the next Christian carnival over at my Jevlir Caravansary blog. Please check out the directions and nominate some posts. I’ll even look at the comments to this post for nominations.
A roundup at the Moderate Christian Blogroll blog.
The only thing worse than lack of oversight may be oversight. Citigroup is supposed to refuse delivery of a plane they ordered in 2005. I’d love to know the bottom line, but paying a penalty for breaking a contract doesn’t sound like a good use of the money either. Oh, it was a French company….
… Tyndale has provided me with a certificate to award in a contest over on my Participatory Bible Study blog.
Jason has weighed in on this topic here. He has some interesting points that merit a response, but due to a stack of other things I need to respond to I’ll have to just point you there to enjoy what he has to say.