Because Government Money Means More Freedom
Why do these folks want the government to pay for their convictions?
Why do these folks want the government to pay for their convictions?
Barack Obama has opted out of public financing for his presidential campaign. I greet this event with mixed emotions. On the one hand, Obama said that he would accept public financing and the limits that go with it. He is a supporter (or so he says) of public financing. Thus there is a question of…
An intern with the San Diego Police Department, Gabrielle Wimer, solved a cold case from 1971.
… to look up “suffrage.”
. . . or so it appears to me, to design a more efficient plant–for their purposes. Check out this MSNBC article to see how it was done.
I thought I’d blogged on this before, but I can’t find it. Eleanor Swift of Newsweek is writing about Unity 2008, a group that’s trying to create a third party movement and get on the ballot in all 50 states. The idea is to nominate a presidential candidate of one party and a vice-presidential candidate…
. . . or so says Ed Brayton on Dispatches from the Culture Wars. I’m not sure if he’s right, though I’m inclined to agree that many conservative leaders will back McCain, especially if Hillary Clinton is the democratic nominee. Ed’s post also brings up my largest concern with McCain–Supreme Court nominations. The conservatives are…