My Movie Rating
. . . and it is to laugh
Created by OnePlusYou – Free Dating Site
What’s to laugh about?
It says this rating is based on the presence of the words “dead” (2x) and “torture” (1x).
Hat Tip: C.Orthodoxy and a crowd of others.
. . . and it is to laugh
Created by OnePlusYou – Free Dating Site
What’s to laugh about?
It says this rating is based on the presence of the words “dead” (2x) and “torture” (1x).
Hat Tip: C.Orthodoxy and a crowd of others.
OK, these are just too much fun. I understand some people have gotten offended. If you’re that easily offended you should read them–you deserve it! (HT: Dave Black Online.)
… no, really!
This was so good I had to embed it!
While I was writing about my mother reading Hebrew yesterday, I recalled another person who was substantially involved in my Biblical Languages training, Dr. Leona Glidden Running. She was a Biblical Languages professor at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary when I took my MA from the Andrews University graduate school and was my academic advisor….
A very funny clip from The Daily Show: The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c Crisis in Dairyland – For Richer and Poorer – Teachers and Wall Street Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor & Satire Blog</a> The Daily Show on Facebook I would normally have a serious problem…
This video is pretty funny: HT: One Thing I Know.